Waste Management

Waste Management

As waste management consultants, we can assist your business with site selection, landfill engineering and design, landfill permitting, and construction of a solid waste management facility. We offer complete environmental and civil engineering services, geologic services, environmental consulting, and construction management services that will take your project to completion.

Our Solid Waste Management Consultant Services include:

  • Landfill Location & Assessment Studies
  • Local Planning & Zoning Assistance
  • Solid Waste Planning
  • Professional Land Surveying
  • Airspace/Life of Landfill Calculations
  • Waste Recycling Support Services
  • Construction Quality Assurance
  • Air Quality Permitting
  • Leachate Management, Treatment, and Permitting
  • Groundwater Monitoring
  • Expansion Cells & Landfill Phasing
  • Closure Plans & Cost Estimates

Landfill Location & Assessment Studies

Selecting a site that meets the right balance of size, zoning, accessibility, location, zoning, and environmental suitability is important to reduce future costs and problems.

Local Planning & Zoning Assistance

Developing a new landfill sometimes requires a change in zoning or special use exceptions in cases where the local zoning has not anticipated the development of a solid waste landfill or rubbish disposal site. We have been through this process for several clients and know the keys to success.

Solid Waste Planning

City and county governments and other governmental agencies need to plan for their waste disposal needs well into the future. By using a combination of disposal facilities, waste processors (such as MRF’s), waste to energy, composting, and other facilities, we can help you balance costs against other objectives such as recycling.

Landfill Design & Permitting

We can design your Class 1 or Class 2 rubbish site, or Subtitle D municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. Our engineers and geologists work to optimize your design to balance initial operating costs with future expansion plans with expandable modular designs allowing cost-effective vertical or horizontal expansions.

Professional Land Surveying

We maintains state of the art survey-grade GPS and conventional surveying equipment interfaced with our 3-D computer and CADD systems. EMS has two licensed surveyors on-staff capable of providing topographic surveys, scale plot plans, maps and drawings of site features based on nearby bench marks, as well as, volumes of earth materials. We routinely provide expedited engineering and environmental plot plans to assist in risk management and critical decision making. Learn more about our professional land surveying services. Click here for a link to our Professional Land Surveying page.

Waste Recycling Support Services

Increasingly recycling and reuse are becoming more viable in the Gulf Coast area as markets for recycled materials are being developed and expanded in the area. Our recycling support team can help with programs such as composting of yard waste, which keeps materials out of landfills saving airspace and money. We can also help obtain grants for recycling startup equipment and programs.

Construction Quality Assurance

Our engineers and field technicians are experienced in construction QA/QC for various types of liners, leachate collection systems, gas venting systems, and remediation systems.

Air Quality Permitting

Title V air permitting requirements now apply to many MSW landfills. Now new greenhouse gas regulations are being added to the mix for landfills. We can help you sort out what permits are required and get the needed permits.

Leachate Management, Treatment, and Permitting

Leachate management at landfills can vary in complexity depending on the nature and quantity of waste received at the facility and the age of the facility. Loading from soluble metals, salts, ammonia, and other hard to treat constituents can make leachate a treatment problem, even for the local POTW. We can help you evaluate your treatment and discharge options.

Groundwater Monitoring

With many experienced hydrogeologists on staff, we can help you design a monitoring system, use our cost-effective field technicians to do your sampling, and provide groundwater monitoring reports to regulatory agencies.

Closure Plans & Cost Estimates

Environmental agencies require landfills to have closure plans and financial assurance mechanisms to assure that adequate funds are available for eventual closure of the facilities. We are experienced at providing these plans and cost estimates for nonhazardous and hazardous (RCRA) waste landfills.

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